If you’re a passionate hunter and want to learn about New Jersey hunting seasons, then you’ve come to the right place. Find out about license regulations and the exact dates of each season.
New Jersey is a state with the sheer abundance of game. You can choose from a wide variety of big game such as deer, black bear and turkey but also from small game species like rabbit, quail, squirrel and many others.
There's a tremendous amount of hunting ground and many perfect hunting spots. There are also guided hunt which will guarantee even an inexperienced hunter a trophy.
Around 750 000 acres of land with amazing wildlife and nature are at your disposal. The forests are densely populated by deer, and you'll be doing a favor to Wildlife Management by hunting them.
New Jersey Hunting Seasons and All Available Games

#1. New Jersey Deer Seasons
Types | Seasons |
Youth Archery | September 22 |
Archery | September 22 – October 26 |
Youth Firearm | November 17 |
Firearm | December 3 - 8 |
#2. New Jersey Black Bear Seasons
Types | Seasons |
Archery | October 8 - 13 October 11 - 13 |
Firearm | December 3 – 8 |
Firearm | October 11 - 13 |
#3. New Jersey Wild Turkey Seasons
Fall/Spring | Seasons | Bag Limit |
Spring General Season | *April 22 – May 18 | Bag limit – 1 Male turkey per permit |
Fall General Season | October 27 – November 3 | Bag limit – 1 turkey either sex per permit |
Spring Youth Day | April 20 | Bag limit – 1 Male turkey per permit |
*NOTE: Season dates may vary by the zone.

#4. New Jersey Small Game Seasons
Fall/Spring | Seasons | Bag Limit |
Quail | November 11 – December 2 December 11 – 12 December 14 – 30 | Daily limit - 4 |
Coyote | *September 30 – March 15 | No limit |
Squirrel | September 30 – December 2 December 11 – 12 December 14 – 30 January 1 – February 19 | Daily limit - 5 |
Rabbit | September 30 – December 2 December 11 – 12 December 14 – 30 January 1 – February 24 | Daily limit: 4(Cottontail) |
License Requirements
Are you interested in hunting in New Jersey? Anyone who wants to hunt or trap is required to have a license. To obtain one, you need to be at least 10 years old.
Before obtaining any license, you are obligated to pass a Hunter Education Course first. Although, if you aren’t sure that you enjoy hunting, you can buy an Apprentice License that will allow you to try shotgun or archery hunting.
You don’t have to pass a hunter education course, but you can purchase this type of license only once in a lifetime. Every apprentice must hunt with a mentor.
Resident Licenses – you can obtain this type of license only if you have lived in New Jersey for six months before applying.
Non-resident Licenses – non-residents need to have a record of previously completed hunter education course when applying. For detailed information visit Non-resident Hunting page.
Youth Licenses – Persons who are 15 years old or younger may obtain a youth license which can be used for small game and waterfowl hunting. All youth hunters must be accompanied by an adult hunter aged 21 or older.
Military Licenses - Any member of active military personnel is allowed to hunt with a resident license. Disabled veterans, and National Guard Members can obtain their license for free.
To see all types of licenses, stamps, permits and fees visit the Division of Fish & Wildlife website.
Night Hunting in New Jersey
Yes, you are allowed to hunt at night in New Jersey, but only under these conditions:
You can hunt with shotgun only during the special coyote and fox season from January to March. Portable lights and night vision are allowed, but laser sights and rifles are prohibited.
Where to Hunt in New Jersey

Public land open for hunting in New Jersey is administered by several entities including State, Federal and Municipal governments. There are more than 752, 000 acres of land open for hunting activities.
It’s important that every hunter checks with the appropriate organization about land policies in which he/she plans to hunt before starting the trip, to ensure a successful and safe hunt.
Here are the links that provide information about all available hunting lands:
If you need more maps or detailed information about a certain area, you can visit the Public Hunting Land page of a Division of Fish & Wildlife website.