If you’re a PASSIONATE hunter and want to learn about Indiana Hunting Seasons, then you’ve come to the right place. Find out about license regulations and the exact dates of each season.
In the state of Indiana, a hunter can choose from a variety of games. There are several deer seasons, and you can pick the one which suits your needs the best.
Not only that there are deer seasons but also squirrel, turkey, grouse and many other woodland game species.
Wonder what else could drive hunters to choose Indiana as their hunting grounds? There are a few beneficial hunting programs. One of those is Hunter Helping Farmers, which connects hunters and landowners who want to get rid of antlerless deer from the property they possess.
Indiana Hunting Seasons and All Available Games

1. Indiana Deer Seasons
Types | Seasons |
Youth Hunt | September 29 – 30 |
Reduction Hunt | September 15 – January 31 |
Firearms | November 17 – December 2 |
Archery | October 1 – January 6 |
Muzzleloader | December 8 – 23 |
Antlerless Special Season | December 26 – January 6 |
*NOTE: Regarding the deer bag limits, they vary by zone, license and season.
2. Indiana Turkey Seasons
Types | Seasons |
Fall Archery | October 1 – 28 |
Fall Firearms | October 17 – 28 |
Spring Season | April 24 – May 12 |
Youth Hunt | April 20 - 21 |
3. Indiana Furbearers Seasons
Types | Seasons |
Coyote & Striped Skunk | October 15 – March 15 |
Red and Grey Fox | October 15 – February 28 |
Opossum & Raccoon | November 8 – January 31 |
Dog Running (Raccoon & Opossum) | February 1 – October 25 |
4. Indiana Small Game Seasons
Types | Seasons |
Quail | *November 1 – January 10 |
Pheasant | November 1 – December 15 |
Rabbit | November 1 – February 28 |
Frog | June 15 – April 30 |
Crow | July 1 – August 15 |
Game Turtles | July 1 – March 31 |
*NOTE: Dates of seasons vary by zone.
License Requirements
Indiana Department of Natural Resources is the place that issues a valid hunting license, and it is required if you wish to hunt any game both small and big. For hunting on private or public lands, you must have a valid hunting license as well.
Some of the animal species required federal or/and State stamps. The fees for hunting and trapping licenses are $2 - $25 for residents and $7 - $300 for non-residents.
You are wondering what it takes to qualify for a resident hunting license? For individuals that are interested in these, they must possess primary residence as well as a permanent home in the state of Indiana for as long as 60 consecutive days before even considering purchasing the license.
Either physical hunting license or an electronic copy with an original signature in ink will be considered as valid when hunting. You are obligated to carry it with yourself all the time during the hunting; otherwise, you will be treated as if you don’t possess one. The production of an electronic copy of the license or the license itself must be requested by Indiana Conservation Officer or another law enforcement officer.
Night Hunting in Indiana
Both night hunting and night vision in the state of Indiana are allowed with a few requirements. During the pursuit of fur-bearing animals while night hunting, you must have a constantly burning light which can be seen for 500ft.
For night vision it’s the same condition – a continuously burning light with the range of 500ft at least.
Where to Hunt in Indiana?

The state of Indiana isn’t quite an accessible place since just 2% of the state is publicly owned. Nevertheless, Indiana offers fair hunting opportunities. Here are some Wildlife Areas which you should consider if you’re hunting in Indiana.
The Indiana DNR properties are the ones where you can go hunting with proper licenses of course.
Pigeon River Fish and Wildlife Area – The area is around 12.000 acres of land and the best place for deer hunting. It’s not that good for small game hunting, but you can go for pheasants for sure!
Clark State Forest – This forest takes up to 24.000 acres of land, and it’s the main hunting ground for all types of games. Here you can find deer, grouse, turkey and other small game.
Jasper-Pulaski Wildlife Area – Now if you’re interested in draw hunts for doves and waterfowl, this is the spot.
Pike State Forest – Spreading over 4.444 acres of land and providing the opportunity to hunt for deer, turkey and small game.