Colorado Hunting Seasons now offer for EVERY PASSIONATE hunter more opportunities than ever before! Experience excitement and adventure and see what hunting in Colorado is truly about.
Colorado is a state with more than 23 million acres of public land, and there is no better place to experience hunting and connect yourself with beautiful scenery and wildlife.
Colorado is a paradise for every type of hunter, and it has what you need for a perfect hunting experience.
And, Colorado holds the record in the largest number of elk and considering that this is the most popular big game animal you can hunt. Other then elk, there are 9 more big game species you can choose from: mule, deer, mountain lion, bear, bighorn sheep, antelope, mountain goat, moose and whitetail deer.
Having many areas with beautiful meadows and ponds, you are right to expect that there is also an abundance of small game, birds and fish for you to catch.
No matter if you are a professional or a beginner in hunting, Colorado is the right place for every hunter.
Colorado Hunting Seasons and All Available Games

1. Colorado Deer Seasons
Types | Seasons |
Archery | *August 25 – September 23 |
Muzzleloader | *September 8 – 16 |
Plains Deer Archery | *October 1 – 26 |
Plains Deer Muzzleloader | *October 13 - 21 |
Plains Deer Rifle | *October 27 – November 6 |
*NOTE: Season dates may vary by zone
2. Colorado Elk Seasons
Types | Seasons |
Archery | August 25 – September 23 |
Muzzleloader | September 8 – 16 |
Rifle | October 13 – 17 |
3. Colorado Moose Seasons
Types | Seasons |
Archery | *September 8 - 23 |
Muzzleloader | *September 8 – 16 |
Rifle | *October 1 - 14 |
*NOTE: Season dates may vary by zone
4. Colorado Pronghorn Seasons
Types | Seasons |
Archery | August 15 – September 20 |
Muzzleloader | September 21 - 29 |
Rifle | October 6 – 12 (Limited Draw) |
5. Colorado Bear Seasons
Types | Seasons |
Archery | September 2 - 30 |
Muzzleloader | September 8 - 16 |
Rifle | September 2 – 30 (Limited Draw) |
6. Colorado Mountain Lion Seasons
Types | Seasons |
General Season | *November 19 – March 31, 2019 |
April Season | *April 1 – 30 (In certain units) |
*NOTE: Season dates may vary by zone
7. Colorado Turkey Seasons
Types | Seasons |
Spring | *April 13 – May 26 |
Fall | *September 1 – October 25 |
Late Season | *December 15 – January 15 |
*NOTE: Season dates may vary by zone
8. Colorado Waterfowl Seasons
Types | Seasons |
Dark Geese | *September 29 – February 17 |
Light Geese | *November 3 - February 17 |
Early Canada Goose | *September 1 - 9 |
Duck and Coot | *September 29 – January 27 |
September Teal | September 8 - 16 |
Youth | *September 22 – October 30 |
*NOTE: Season dates may vary by zone
Colorado Small Game & Other Birds Seasons

Types | Seasons |
Band-tailed Pigeon | September 1 - 14 |
Chukar Partridge | September 1 – November 30 |
Crow | November 1 – End of February |
Dove | September 1 – November 29 |
Eurasian-collared dove | Year-round |
European Starlings, English or house sparrows | Year-round |
Greater prairie-chicken | *October 1 – January 6 |
Grouse | *September 1 – November 18 |
Pheasant | *November 10 – January 31 |
Quail | *November 10 – January 31 |
Sandhill Crane | *September 29 – November 25 |
Sora and Virginia rail | September 1 – November 9 |
Teal | *September 8 - 16 |
Wilson’s snipe | September 1 – December 16 |
Abert’s squirrels | November 15 – January 15 |
Beaver | October 1 – April 30 |
Bobcat | December 1 – end of February |
Common Snapping Turtle | April 1 – October 31 |
Cottontails, snowshoe hare, white-tailed & black-tailed jackrabbits | October 1 - end of February |
Coyote | Year-round |
Fox & pine squirrels | October 1 - end of February |
Marmot | August 10 – October 15 |
Prairie rattlesnake | June 15 – August 15 |
Wyoming (Richardson’s) ground squirrel | Year-round |
Badger, Mink, Pine Marten, Gray Fox, Red Fox, Swift Fox, Raccoon, Ring-Tailed Cat, Striped Skunk, Western Spotted Skunk, Long-Tailed Weasel, Short-Tailed Weasel, Opossum, Muskrat | November 1 – end of February |
*NOTE: Season dates may vary by zone or sub-species
License Requirements
Every resident in Colorado who wants to purchase a Resident License is required to have Colorado residency.
In Colorado, several types of licenses are available for purchase when hunting or taking animals. There are three main types of licenses: Limited Licenses, Leftover Limited Licenses and Over-The-Counter Licenses.
Anyone who has between 12 and 17 years is allowed to hunt but can only buy a limited hunting license, and they cannot harvest a deer, elk or pronghorn with their license. For those who are born after January 1, 1949, there is a Hunter Education course which they’ll need to pass before purchasing any license.
Before buying a license for hunting mountain lion in Colorado, you are required to complete Mountain Lion Education and Identification Course, and then you can purchase your license. All licenses are available online.
Night Hunting in Colorado
In Colorado, you can hunt small animals one-half hour before sunrise to sunset, except furbearers. They can be hunted from one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset. Coyotes, raccoons, striped skunks, bobcats, red, gray, swift foxes and beavers can be hunted all night.
Artificial light is allowed on private and public lands to hunt, coyotes, raccoons, striped skunks, bobcats, red, gray, swift foxes and beavers. If you hunt on private lands you need a permit from a landowner, and a special permit when hunting with artificial lights. It’s illegal to hunt with a light that is attached to a vehicle or project a light from inside a vehicle.
Night vision is not allowed. For special permits in different regions contact the Colorado Division of Wildlife.
Where to Hunt in Colorado

Colorado is divided into hunting areas which are called Game Management Units (GMU). In different areas, you are allowed to hunt various animals.
In some, there aren’t those restrictions, so it is essential that every hunter becomes familiar with the boundaries of areas in which they plan to hunt.
Hunting areas are divided into three regions: