Fishing in the rain has its perks and precautions.
One of the key attractions of fishing in the rain is simply the weather.
Although most fishing enthusiasts like to catch their fish on a clear, sunny day but sometimes, an overcast sky and rain can also offer an awesome fishing experience.
For those who like to take on a good challenge, fishing in the rain also furnishes that. It is definitely harder than fishing on regular days and you have to make some extra effort to make your catch.
Here are some expert tips and guidelines to improve your fishing odds on a rainy day.
#1. Stay Rain-proof

You may find it tempting to go all in with the fishing-in-the-rain thing and go out on the waters in your regular outdoor outfit.
But that would be a big mistake.
Your regular clothes are going to wet, then soggy, then heavy with rain and eventually become a huge hassle.
On the other hand, if you get your hands on a good rain suit, that would make things a lot easier.
Get the full suit or a water-proof jacket and trousers, basically anything that will keep you as dry as possible.
This will make sure that you are comfortable enough in the rain to focus on the fishing instead of having to meddle with your wet clothes.
And while you are at it, don’t forget water-proof shoes.
#2. Use Darker Lures
During the rain and under an overcast sky, the fish in the water will have a hard time spotting your lures because of the low-light conditions.
This is why you should use darker lures when fishing in the rain. A darker lure creates a solid silhouette which the fish can spot.
You can go for simple black lures or a combination of dark colors like blue and black.
Better still, try your hands at different dark-color combinations and see which works best for you.
#3. Look for Clear Waters

Water clarity is an important consideration when you are out fishing, especially during a rain.
Rain can affect the clarity of the river, lake or water body you are fishing in. Consequently, it may be harder for you to spot and catch fish.
A good way to avoid this is to seek out portions of the water body where the water is still clear.
In a lake, for instance, the upper end typically gets muddier well before the lower end. So you can head to the lower end of the lake to make sure you get good water clarity during fishing.
#4. Adapt to the Conditions
Despite the best of your efforts, it is quite possible that you find no clear water when it’s raining.
In such circumstances, it is time for you to adapt and make the best of what you have.
A handy tip is to abandon your carefully calculated lures and bring out baits that vibrate, disturb the water and basically make a lot of noise.
This is because when the water is muddied, the fish will no longer be able to spot your lures. So your best chance is to draw the attention of the fish by kicking up a bit of noise in the water.
Another way to attract the fish in such conditions is to use different scents.
#5. Keep an Eye on the Water Level

When it is raining, especially when it is raining hard or it has been raining a while, the water level of a lake may change.
So, for instance, the area which is usually shallow may no longer be shallow on a rainy day. Use markers along the banks to keep track of the water level.
Alternatively, you can use a piece of wood and drive it into the shore every time you go fishing.
When there’s a change in the water level, you will see it clearly on the wood by spotting the difference between the regular level mark and the new level mark.
Keeping track of water level will help you find the right spots where you are more likely to catch fish.
#6. Keep Looking
On a regular day, you know that this and that part of the lake tends to have more fish. So you gear up your vessel and head straight to that area. This may not be true for a rainy day.
As mentioned above, a rainy day changes the circumstances on lake level.
The water clarity is affected, water level may change and the fish can no longer clearly spot the lures.
So instead of hanging about your favorite spot, you may need to move around quite a bit. The key is to do so smartly.
For instance if the water level has risen significantly enough to turn shallow banks into suitable depths for fish, you may be able to catch fish even along the banks.
Use your judgment to think where the fish may head and then head to those areas.
With luck, you may have as much of a sizable catch on a rainy day as you do on your regular fishing excursions.